Our Unique Approach

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    Our performance % depends on the value of the conversions we bring to you, but only if we fit the conversion cost you set.
    In Addition to our modes fixed retainer, our performance fee is a collaboration option that guarantees your account our full attention. This keeps you profitable and us incentivized to keep innovating on your account. As opposed to the classical percentage of your marketing budget which is not an indicator of profitability. 
    Generally, in the case of a fixed retainer, the agency earns more if they work less. While working on a percentage from the budget, the agency earns more only if it increases your cost (budget). Many agencies that practice this type of fee are very good at justifying initiatives on just about any account that require more budget.

    But in our case, the fee depends on the profitable sales we bring you. So it motivates us to work harder than other agencies on your accounts to maximize conversions. And it motivates us to reduce the cost if it is not profitable because our fee does not depend on the cost.
    As far as we know, we are the only agency in eCommerce offering such a risk-free scaling model. 

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    We guarantee that we will make all the necessary optimizations to maximize your sales at the conversion cost you are willing to pay.
    If in one month we are above the cost threshold you set we will charge you a reduced percentage from the value of the additional cost, putting you back in control of your costs. Stated differently, we cover any additional cost per conversion from our performance fee. 
    We encourage our clients to allow us to perform split tests on the end-product cost. And sometimes we discover the market still reacts well at a new price point that's a few % higher, offsetting our own success fee. 
    If we make you more money we make more money. 
    Because our fixed retainer is so tiny compared with other agencies out there, and the performance % is our real motivation, we won't abandon your account nor present you with artificially high costs. You will have an active account, maintained daily, with continuously improved campaigns, creatives and marketing angles. 

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    An advertising account for an online store with 4,000 products is different from one of an accounting firm, with 4 services.
    We specialize in online stores, meaning we know our way around account structures, prospecting, accurate tracking of metrics that matter, automated rules, optimizations, etc.
    All this allows us to increase the sales of our clients faster than other agencies that specialize in everything under the sun and treat all accounts the same.


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    The speed with which we implement the tasks discussed is a metric that we constantly evaluate. Performly will not show the situation where a two-hour task lasts a week.
    Our procedure is to send you an email with all the tasks that we discuss during our periodic evaluation of campaigns. Then we start working on them the same day and we announce them as soon as they are completed.
    Plus you will have full access over chat to our funder, Daniel that most probably also signed you up as a client. So you won't feel abandoned and will never receive a canned response from someone who had a bad day.   
    One client said that "the quick responses received to any request are still a proof of their professionalism". Appreciation makes us happy and twice as eager to keep things as they are,  


    Interested? Let's discuss tailored growth opportunities for your eCommerce store.